Stephen Iacovo

Stephen Iacovo


Stephen is a 2016 JD/MBA candidate at Penn Law & Wharton. He worked in the Restructuring Group at Kirkland & Ellis in Chicago as a Summer Associate in 2015 and will be returning as an Associate after graduation. Before entering the JD/MBA program, he was a Commissioned Officer in the United States Army for four years. Stephen’s military service included a combat deployment to Kandahar Province, Afghanistan in 2011-2012 as an Infantry Company and Battalion Fire Support Officer, as well as an assignment with Joint Task Force – Bravo in Central America in 2012-2013. Stephen currently serves on the Board of the Military Assistance Project, a Philadelphia-based pro bono legal service provider which represents military personnel in need of legal assistance pertaining to financial distress and bankruptcy. He graduated from the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame in 2009 with a B.B.A. in Finance and a supplemental major in History, and completed Notre Dame's Army ROTC Program.